May 11, 2022
8:30 am - 9:30 am
GENERAL SESSION: Spring Cleaning = Spring Refresh: Deciding the Future of Your Agency in a Post-Pandemic Environment
Session Description:
The Public Health Emergency (PHE) due to the COVID-19 Pandemic lasted much longer than anyone anticipated or desired. Many regulations were adapted to assist agencies as they attempted to continue providing care in extraordinary circumstances. As the industry attempts to return to more normal operations we have to wonder if it will it ever be truly “normal” again? Do we really want it to be?
Some aspects, such as the ability to work remotely, have boosted employee satisfaction and increased productivity. Is bringing everyone back to in person working situations the best plan? Should we have clinicians back in the office for education, meetings and case conferences? Will changes impact my current staffing challenges, and how?
This session will help you inspire your team, through culture and leadership, to begin the process of defining what the “new normal” looks and feels like for your organization.
Sherry Teague, MESS, ATC, PTA, HCS-D, HCS-O Co-Owner/Founder, K&K Healthcare Solutions &
Dr Tonya Y. Miller , PT, DPT, PhD, Founder, TYM Coaching LLC
Continuing Education:
1.00 clock hours for Admin/Alts;
9:40 am – 10:05 am
Quick-Hits Sessions
Session Description: TBA
Speakers: TBA
Continuing Education: TBA
10:15 am - 11:45 am
1A: MEDICARE: Higher-Acuity Home-Based Care Models
Session Description: How familiar are you with the upcoming home-based care models of Hospital at Home and Choose Home? Join national speaker, Kurt Baumgartel, as he delves into the models and clarifies each one for provider's understanding. These upcoming models are an alternative for some Medicare patients who opt to be discharged home versus remaining in an institution. Kurt will explain the goal of the models of helping Medicare patients recover successfully at home and if these care models are a good fit for your agency. Don't be late to the game--come learn about these models now!
Speaker: Kurt Baumgartel, Executive Vice President, Home-Based Care, COMPASSUS
Continuing Education:
1.50 clock hours for Admin/Alts;
1.50 contact hours for Nurses
10:15 am - 11:45 am
1B. All Providers: Are You Turning Challenges into Opportunities? Leading through Chaos and Beyond.
Session Description: The pandemic has been a whirlwind for all leaders as we have had to pivot many times without time to breathe.  Leading teams with less is now the norm.  While it is tempting to suggest we are all victims of external forces beyond our control, this is a passive approach that will not serve our organizations, our clients and our teams.  This session will give you tools to lead with intention, learn how to recruit and retain during a time of scarcity and motivate your teams during unsteady times.
Speakers: Jennifer Prescott, RN, MSN, Blue Water Homecare
Continuing Education:
1.50 clock hours for Admin/Alts;
1.50 contact hours for Nurses
12:45 pm - 2:15 pm
2A. MEDICARE: 2022 Revenue Cycle Challenges & Overcoming Them
Session Description: Times are changing and one of the most significant changes for home health providers came in 2022 with the replacement of the longstanding Request for Anticipated Payment (RAP) submission process with the Notice of Admission (NOA) process. The NOA can carry a significant punch as it has a penalty punch that supersedes that of the RAP! During this session, there will be a review of the key aspects of the NOA process. In addition, this session will discuss the current concerns in the Home Health Revenue Cycle and how providers can get paid and stay compliant.
Speakers: Melinda Gaboury, COS-C, Chief Executive Officer, Healthcare Provider Solutions, Inc.
Continuing Education:
1.50 clock hours for Admin/Alts;
1.50 contact hours for Nurses
12:45 pm - 2:15 pm
2B. ALL PROVIDERS: What Does “New Normal” Even Mean?
Session Description: 2020 definitely sent everyone into a tail spin, and we have spent 2 years waiting to go back to ‘normal’. But, is that what your staff, stakeholders, and clients actually want? COVID-19 may have finally given us all the shove we needed to embrace the digital transformation. How can you incorporate digital and virtual communications and a hybrid work environment from recruitment through onboarding and on to long-term retention? Don’t miss out on Lauren Patrick’s top tips and tricks for today’s business leaders!
Speakers: Lauren Patrick, Chief Communications Officer, Helping Restore Ability
Continuing Education:
1.5 clock hours for Admin/Alts.
1.5 contact hours for Nurses
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
3A. Medicare: Successful Home Health Culture Change
Session Description: Most HH Providers have struggled to modify agency and staff care processes despite the Volume-2-Value changes in PDGM and other Medicare reforms. Addressing experienced administrative and management staff can be the most challenging elements of assuring a Home Health Providers, as they have years of experience in the volume-based model of the past. Learn how to identify areas of previous cultures that limit progression under PDGM, how to address integration of new care programming, and assure all staff move forward in successful value programming.
Kimberly McCormick RN/BSN, Executive Clinical Director. Home Health Strategic Management
Continuing Education:
1.0 clock hours for Admin/Alts.
1.0 contact hours for Nurses
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
3B. ALL PROVIDERS: Grow & Diversify Your Home Care Business
Session Description:
Variety is the spice of life! And for your home care business, diversification could be the key. This webinar will examine ways to combat today's financial challenges, as well as the pros, cons, and considerations of adding a new revenue stream, forming a partnership with a provider already doing it successfully, or expanding services. Additionally, there will be a discussion about the attraction of value-based, risk-sharing agreements with new partners as a means to test the water for both parties.
Speakers: J'non Griffin, RN MHA HCS-D, COS-C, HCS-H , SimiTree Principal-Coding and OASIS Department
Continuing Education:
1.0 clock hours for Admin/Alts.
May 12, 2022
8:30 am - 9:30 am
GENERAL SESSION: Combating Rising Challenges in Healthcare with Progressive Technology
Session Description:
As leaders in healthcare, the job you do in this industry changed lives every day. Join us as Executive VP, Kristen, shares her extraordinary story of how leaders like you have changes her and continue to change her to this day. Healthcare leaders impact their staff on a daily basis. Learn more about how you may build and evolve employees into leaders that can make a difference. You will walk away from this session inspired and armed with the tools and energy to keep going.​
Kristen Duell, Executive Vice President, KanTime
Continuing Education
1.0 clock hours for Admin/Alts.
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
A. Don't Scramble When the State Shows Up: Maintaining Annual Requirements for PAS and Private Duty Agencies
Session Description: When keeping up with the daily operations of home care; client management, Covid-19 protocols, and just getting people to show up, the more mundane tasks and less-pressing regulatory requirements can easily take a back seat. We all learned what's required of us when we first opened, but for agencies with no designated compliance officer, some of these necessary items get shoved in the trunk until "State's in the building". In this session we'll review some of the minimum requirements, and talk about when it's best for our agencies to do more than the minimum.
Speakers: Candyce Slusher, LVN, CDCS, Owner of SLUSHER Consulting
Continuing Education
1.0 clock hours for Admin/Alts.
1.0 contact hours for Nurses
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
B. Veteran Care Navigators: A Private Duty Niche Service Line
Session Description:
There are nearly 20 million veterans in the United States and 30% of those veterans have multiple chronic conditions that may be managed by private duty care. Most veterans and private duty organizations are unaware of the multiple funding sources available to pay for veterans care. Educating your team on the variety of benefits available to veterans for post- acute care (private duty, home health, and hospice care) will ensure that your organization is ready to grow your referral sources while providing a niche market to those that have served our country so well.
Speaker: Tammy Ross, MHA, BSN, Senior VP of Professional Services, AXXESS
Continuing Education:
1.00 clock hours for Admin/Alts.
1:00 pm -2:00 pm
C. Setting and Holding Professional Boundaries in Private Home Care
Session Description: When we talk about boundaries in private duty home care, we sometimes cringe. We cringe because we know that even our best staff cross professional boundaries with their clients, and some obliterate boundaries altogether. This happens despite an agency's best efforts to put professional boundary measures in place and communicate about them constantly. When added to the stressors of daily operations, this frustrating topic gets placed at the bottom of the priority list. "It's going to happen anyway, and our efforts backfire, so what can we do about it?" In this session we'll review what's okay and what's not okay when it comes to staff's relationships with clients, and how to mitigate the potential risks to the agency.
Speakers: Candyce Slusher, LVN, CDCS, Owner of SLUSHER Consulting
Continuing Education:
1.0 clock hours for Admin/Alts.
1.0 contact hours for Nurses
2:15 pm -3:15 pm
D. Survey Preparedness: Most Frequently Cited Licensing Violations
Session Description: The presenter will list most recently cited state licensing violations in surveys and investigations of licensed home and community support services agencies (HCSSA), including home health, hospice, and personal assistance services agencies. The discussion will connect examples of non-compliance with evidence gathered during the survey and investigation process. The presenter will also discuss the role of the agency administrator in mitigation of non-compliance.
Rosalind Nelson-Gamblin, Senior Policy Specialist, Long-Term Care Regulation,
Health and Human Services
Continuing Education:
1.0 clock hours for Admin/Alts.
1.0 contact hours for Nurses