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Exclusively for Survey Preparedness Workshop registrants, TAHC&H staff is creating a half-hour on-demand webinar. This training will review the new HHSC Minimum Licensing Standards Chapter 558. This training will cover: 

1. Addition of new Definitions, including attending physician, attending practitioner, health maintenance activities (HMA), and Teleservices

2. The addition of Teleservices, which includes Telehealth, Telemonitoring, Telecommunications, and Tele-Triage

3. Major changes to Administrator and Supervisory Responsibilities, as well as Conditions and Qualifications of the Administrator and the Supervising Nurse


4. Changes to Staffing Policies and Personnel Record Requirements


5. Changes to Verification of Employability and Use of Unlicensed Persons as Employees, Volunteers, and Contractors


6. Changes to Continuing Education for Administrators


7. Changes to Discharge Notification Process


8. Addition of Standards for Electronic Record Maintenance and Storage


9. Changes to LHH and PAS specific Regulations


10. Survey Procedure Changes


Recordings will be sent shortly after our Survey Preparedness Workshop.

Interested in Sponsoring?

Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by Louisiana State Nurses Association - Approver, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. LSNA Provider No. 4002151

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