Day 4 Schedule
9:00 - 10:30 AM
GS4: The Financial Side of Recovery: CARES Act Compliance-Where Do I Go From Here? (All Providers)
Description: Do you know how compliant you are with the components of the CARES Act? Amy Knight has been on top of this topic since Day 1 and has kept Texas agencies educated and updated. In this session, Amy will cover PPP Forgiveness, Provider Relief Fund Reporting and Financial Planning. Please join us as she will direct you on where you go from here. She will challenge you on preparing for the future and asks you “What are you doing to adapt to this compliance?”
Speaker: Amy Knight, CPA, Knight CPA Group
Continuing Education: 1.50 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
8a. Clearing the Path to Pediatric Reimbursement
Session Description: All too often professional staff submit a Plan of Care anticipating Payor approval, yet later hear their POC was denied due to missing payor specific documentation requirements. In this session the learner will be able to identify the critical elements that must be included in the POC, treatment notes and telehealth all to improve payor approval. The learner will also hear strategies for how to avoid claims recoupment from clinical record audits to improve audit outcomes from pediatric payors.
Speaker: Beverly Sepulveda, MBA, BSN, RN, SynerImages Healthcare Consulting
Continuing Education: 1.25 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates;1.25 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
8b. The NEW ERA of Compliance for Personal Assistance Services:QAPI/COVID-19 (PAS)
Session Description: COVID-19 has brought about monumental changes for home care agencies and Personal Assistance Services agencies. The latest guidance has taken HHSCAs by surprise with noted screening processes and changes in protocols and policies surfacing the importance of PAS agencies compliance with QAPI program requirements. Join Kay Hollers as she will review the components of what will help agencies be successful as we enter into the NEW ERA of compliance in the PAS world.
Speaker: Kay Hollers, BSN, RN, MPH, Consultant, Healthcare Consultlink
Continuing Education: 1.25 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates;
1.25 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
8c. Infection Control: Setting Up Your Team for Success (All Providers)
Session Description: COVID-19 has brought new and increased attention to the area of infection control. This session will include an overview of requirements when selecting team members and their roles in day to day functioning within the agency. Additional considerations include: supporting the team with an adequate library of resources, collecting accurate data, and keeping up with ever-changing rules from the CDC and WHO.
Speaker: Arlene Maxim, RN, Clinical Consultant, Axxess
Continuing Education: 1.5 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates;
1.5 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education
1:15 - 2:45 PM
9a. Taking the Plunge: How to Dive into a Successful VBP with MCOs (Pediatrics)
Session Description: Have you ever thought about partnering with MCOs but then dismissed it thinking it’s not a win-win situation? This session will challenge you to shift your mindset away from a “payor” perspective of HMOs and focus on developing a positive relationship with them as “health plans”. Jerre van den Bent, Administrator, Therapy 2000 and Courtney Mullaney MS, CCC-SLP, Director, Health Plan Relations/Green Apple Administrator, share experiences and offer invaluable advice on opportunities that are available to agencies with health plans. Not only will attendees learn what Value Based Purchasing (VBP) is and what the MCOs expectations by state are but this session will also bring to life the reality that an agency experienced while they developed successful relationships with these health plans and debunked the myths of working with MCOs.
Speakers: Jerre van den Bent, PT, Administrator, Therapy 2000 and Courtney Mullaney, MS SL-CCP, Director Green Apple Health Plans Administrator
Continuing Education: 1.5 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates;
1:15 - 2:45 PM
9b. My Employee/Client is COVID-19 Positive—What Do I Do Now? (Community Care)
Session Description: Are you often asking yourself what your next steps should be when one of your employees or clients tests COVID 19 positive? Look no further! With noted speakers, Kay Hollers and TAHCH Regulatory manager, Jennifer Elder, you will walk away from this session with the most current knowledge of HHSC guidance. They will provide you with resources that are the latest recommendations as you will find yourself in a moderated discussion on what agencies steps agencies should be taking including policy, documentation and clinical aspects.
Speaker: Kay Hollers, BSN, RN, MPH, Consultant, Healthcare Consultlink; Jennifer Elder, TAHCH, Home Care Regulatory and Policy Manager
Continuing Education: 1.5 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates;
1.5 contact hours Continuing Nursing Education
1:15 - 2:45 PM
9c. Revolutionizing the Healing Process: The New Way to Care for Your Wound Care Patients (All Providers)
Session Description: The presentation will highlight how home health agencies can better leverage their in-demand wound care specialist(s) with telehealth technology. Productivity is maximized as one wound care specialist can provide guidance virtually to all caregivers in the field. This is especially important in rural areas where nurses and specialists can spend a lot of time driving instead of being able to see and treat patients. Moreover, connecting a home health nurse with a wound certified nurse is beneficial in bridging the gap between training, clinician and patient education, and wound assessment. Participants will learn how their agencies can enable a better, safer, and more profitable way to evaluate and support proper wound healing.
Speaker: AnnaMariaTurano, Synzi
Continuing Education: 1.5 clock hours continuing education for Administrators/Alternates; 1.5 contact hours for Continuing Nursing Education